In a Direct Democracy, after the age of information, we will vote “with our feet” for plans and projects, not men and parties.
I offer this project/idea as a beginning for the discussion; “Can we create a democratic governing system free from undue influence?”
"I have great confidence in the common sense of mankind in general."
"We are a people capable of self-government, and worthy of it."
-Thomas Jefferson
The Discussion of Civic Policy.
The age we have entered will require more inclusive systems for deciding civic policy. There are just too many variables & conflicting interests behind every civic decision, too much information for one man or even a small group, and the deluge has barely begun.
Popular methods for finding solutions to vexing civic problems are not keeping pace with societal change and innovation. The complexity and power of modern society compel us to more effectively discuss, find and implement better solutions for the improvement of our communities.
In too many ways, our methods for publicly deliberating rational social and civic policy are failing, and that affects the common good. Private interests have too much influence over the public deliberation of the issues and this weakens the healthy guidance of society. Too much power is funneled through too few hands, limiting possibilities and making the corruption of policy debate almost unavoidable.
If we are to achieve better results for our civic efforts we need to expand the process of democracy and public deliberation. Modern society needs more inclusive, pragmatic, organic and transparent avenues to solutions that can be more beneficial to a wider array of people.
The Internet offers a new set of boundaries, affiliations and opportunities for original civic institutions. With this new capacity for organization across boundaries, it is no longer necessary, nor practical, to allow individuals to gain closed door control of public resources.
It is time for plans and projects rather than men and parties to compete in the Democratic arena. The advent of mass information technology allows a popular discussion on the merits of each possible solution for each specific problem. By these new abilities for mass communication we can find educated consensus amongst the people and bypass the limitations of political/financial intermediaries.
Community stability in the 21st century will require rational, pragmatic means for citizens to have more control over the forces that affect our daily lives.
In some ways, the media has failed our Democracy. Infotainment broadcasts like 60 Minutes, 20/20, Oprah, The 6/11:00 News, Talk Radio etc. consistently attract the largest audience. People want to know what is happening in town and around the world.
Unfortunately, those kinds of programs all shock us with the dangerous situations and practices in our midst and then abandon us to our fears. They get us ready for action and leave us at the door. They introduce the characters, set the stage, and end the show.
People are left feeling powerless.
If the traditional media institutions and their news or reality shows were a springboard for pragmatic thought and action on specific local problems citizens could be empowered.
We propose a public service combining broadcast journalism, citizen activity and informed discussion about civic policy. This collaboration is about an educated public discussion on civic problems, and the solutions and actions that result.
Real Democracy works when citizens get involved in educated and responsible civic activity. This can be done by connecting quality information to specific, constructive, local projects and then encouraging citizens to participate.
This dynamically interactive web service creates a new avenue for popular political expression. The aim is to encourage individuals to actively participate in the shaping of their own communities.
“Democracy" - The Rule of the People.
The following is a plan for organizing and implementing pragmatic, community action. Our format is highly scalable, based online, connected to existing media and divided into 6 varying levels of potential civic activity.
It begins with what could be called "Reference links" (a referral to an URL) inserted into the issues and stories of already existing media outlets, such as print, radio, TV and web productions. A link will direct the audience to a more personal involvement with the issue at hand.
It is through these "links" that one is invited to become active in any issue through a cyber syndicated information and action service called; "Solutions.”
The purpose of these links is to draw people into learning about and acting upon only those issues that interest them. There are too many issues each requiring too much background for any politician or voter to make all the informed decisions that are required for a livable society.
“Solutions” is a dynamic and organic community process. An individual can choose any degree of participation, at any level, from doing nothing to championing a project. A citizen works only with the issues they have an affinity with. In this way almost all issues will be covered in proportion to the passions generated by the problem, be it a war in Iraq or a chuck hole in the street.
The People make their strongest statement by “voting with their feet.” If citizens are given the ways and means to enhance the health of their community, they certainly will.
With this public service, we intend to facilitate and encourage citizens to take active responsibility for their own communities, literally manifesting “the rule of the people.”
The Structure of the Presentation.
Level # 1, INFOTAINMENT. This project requires a partnership with news outlets who will agree to embed links in each local news report or program for the citizen to follow online. These simple links at the bottom of an article or TV segment are how a citizen can find a more in depth and active understanding of a particular topic.
Level # 2, CONTEXT. A reference link tagged on to a news story will lead to one of many general topic sites in our Solutions presentation. At that topic site they find a wiki type assemblage of the facts and history behind the general topic to be discussed, be it Middle Eastern war or local crime.
For instance, if there is a story in the broadcast or print news about a teacher strike, the link would lead to a site on the general topic of US education, its forms, history, alternatives, and problems.
Different reports about different problems in education, from many outlets such as KFJC, The Advertiser, The Chronicle, can funnel all relevant stories to the same education topic site.
On the education topic site, besides the general context info, there is a current list of the specific problems in education, such as the local strike itself. This list is a hyperlink door to the next level; active debate about potential Solutions on that particular problem.
Level #3 DELIBERATION. In this section we find a multitude of "Chat Rooms", one for each specific problem/news event, where relevant & qualified individuals discuss their plans for a solution, including the politician’s "official plan" for the specific problem.
These ongoing, but non real time debates are an evolving presentation, like a semi permanent talk show about a particular situation, until the situation finds conclusion in real life. Viewers can jump in and absorb the whole conversation to begin with and then only come back when something new has been added to follow the thread.
Deft, celebrity moderation will demand that the discussion find an effective solution to a specific problem, including the refinement of those solutions.
To qualify, the “expert” participants of level 3 must have academic, social, political or real world experience, or be directly involved in a way that gives the applicant an above average understanding of the situation. Through an open selection process, we will attempt to be as fair and inclusive as possible. Because the presentation is non real time, many voices [avatars?] can be heard and the discussion will be cumulative.
The insistent goal of this debate will be for the participants to suggest a variety of specific and pragmatic solutions to specific problems. It is also very important that this entire process be entertaining, celebrity moderated, encouraging as many citizens as possible to fully participate.
When a citizen feels they agree with a specific course of action, they can then be invited to take educated, responsible action towards the solution of their choice.
Level # 4, RECOMENDATIONS. This level is designed to cajole people out of their easy chair and invite them to participate in a Living Democracy. What can an individual citizen actually do to implement the particular solution that they are inspired by? Based on the solutions presented in level 3, a variety of personal actions will be suggested to further that particular solution.
A few examples of problem-specific suggestions might be; accepting talking points and promising to talk to three people at work about the issue, downloading the debate and sending it to your representative; sending money or resources to an organization or location; volunteering your time to a local project, starting a local project, running for political office on that platform, etc. etc. and on and on.
Level # 5, FORUM. Within each topic area there is a “non expert” chat room where anyone that's interested can join discussion groups about the problems and solutions at hand. All of us non-experts can offer new solutions and perspectives from the outside. These general discussions will be continually referencing, sighting and quoting the other levels, activating them and allowing the percolation of new ideas to be seriously assessed by the more knowledgeable.
Level #6, ANALYSIS & FEEDBACK. This site will be tracking the Results of ongoing projects in the real world. With many different standards, surveys, statistical methods, eyewitness reports, recordings, energy efficiency studies, citizen consensus, soil analysis etc., we can report on any ongoing project to solve a problem and the progress or improvement it has had in the community as defined by its members.
This last part about tracking and celebrating what is actually being done is very important and needs to be robust. This level is more like a regular news show only from the other side, the constructive actions in regards to particular problems. Level 6 plays an essential and central role in this project as levels 3, 4 & 5 will be using the results of ongoing real life projects reported in level 6 to underpin any statements, plans and proposals.
End Statements
"Solutions" provides a system and format for rational discussion and pragmatic action on issues of civic importance.
"Solutions" is aimed at the dispersal of information and political power by initiating community education, organization and action.
"Solutions" is a comprehensive and pragmatic extension of public education in pursuit of a rational society.
"Solutions" is intended to enhance the beginnings of an education based, direct democracy, in the age of information.
It is hoped that the civic momentum created by this service will compel politicians to design their campaign platforms around practical, educated and popular solutions and so more truly become “Servants of the People.”
"If ever the earth has beheld a system of administration conducted with a single and steadfast eye to the general interest and happiness of those committed to it, one which, protected by truth, can never know reproach, it is that to which our lives have been devoted." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1826.
Bryan McMahon © Created: 5/28/96, updated 4/12/2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A Mental Health-Care Service for the Chronically Homeless.
Diamonds in the Rough.
In major cities, the social problems surrounding chronically homeless people with mental illness have engendered many programs and well intentioned discussions. Yet the programs offered or mandated to psychologically disturbed and homeless people are rarely comprehensive enough to ensure such a person can become a healthy and productive citizen.
In the real world, for the people at the bottom to become healthy and productive they must first find effective relief for health issues like depression, addiction, brain fog or chronic fatigue, and secondly, they must learn how to reenter society by developing a fulfilling life.
No small tasks. But the simple truth is that unless these two problems are solved for each individual there can be no lasting solution for the “homeless issue” other than relocation.
Currently, if there is any mental health help for problematic homeless people it relies on pharmaceutical drugs and/or talk therapy. In actual practice this maintenance approach solves few, if any, of the client’s real problems.
With a more comprehensive approach the mental disabilities of many homeless people could be diminished or eliminated, resulting at the least in less problematic behavior.
Many of the mental health problems that make a person too unstable to care for themselves, such as unproductive beliefs, over toxicity, chronic malnutrition and trauma based psychological damage, could be treated and relieved.
Some of the unhealthy citizens that we see every day could be rejoined with a rewarding life if more effective healing and guidance could be offered, saving more than a lot of money.
But the methods to achieve real health and a fulfilling community life are seemingly misunderstood, and certainly not comprehensibly applied in the homeless community. So in a real sense little has been done and the problems and costs of the mentally ill and chronically homeless individual continue to perplex us.
The following is a framework for strengthening the foundations of mental health and guiding an individual toward a healthy and productive life. Within this framework are five components of a person’s general health and mental health in particular, from the physical to the social. Each of these levels must be cleaned, balanced, optimized and enlivened to enable a healthy person to pursue a successful life.
A given individual may not have problems with all of these aspects and yet if all are in working order there will be no “infrastructure” to support pathology. By attending to the health of these five levels, chronic disabilities can often be eliminated and a gratifying life can be more easily restored.
This program describes a process involving therapeutic techniques and practices that an individual might go through in order to revive the five levels of mental health.
Some of these therapies are traditional common sense and some have only recently been developed, virtually unknown to the general public. To understand the effectiveness of this program it is important to understand the different therapeutic approaches and how they work together. Following the links that are provided will help you to be acquainted with therapies that you might not have heard of before.
The mentally ill homeless are the focus here because they are the neediest and as such they could most dramatically show the effectiveness of this program. If chronically homeless people could find fulfilling lives then the drama of the events will attract media capital which can then be leveraged to expand the program.
To the extent that we find individual successes, the leadership and citizens of the city would see improvement in a high profile issue and millions of taxpayer dollars could be reallocated.
We believe that a significant percentage of the mentally ill will find full relief from their symptoms and a fulfilling life in the community after working with this program. When a mentally disabled person becomes healthy and reenters society in a productive life, we will all benefit.
The following is a description of our foundational principles and philosophy.
The Five Levels of Mental Health.
1. Physical.
2. Bio-chemical.
3. Electromagnetic.
4. Conceptual.
5. The World.
1. Physical.
Unhealthy people have improper physical substances lodged in the gut and throughout their bodies such as; heavy metals, toxic chemicals, parasites, excess acids, impacted feces and bacterial plumes of yeast and fungus.
The first step in healing is to remove these inappropriate physical substances.
This variety of unsuitable organic and inorganic materiel can cause distress, dysfunction and disease by depleting nutrients, generating poisons, blocking pathways and denigrating bio systems, thereby lowering the quality of our mental health.
For optimal mental health these physical impediments must be removed.
A quality program of colon cleansing is the beginning of the elimination process enabling the body burden of toxic chemicals and heavy metals to pass through.
Mercury and many other mental illness causing neuro-toxins are stored throughout the body in teeth, fat cells and organ tissue. These poisons can be removed with a good detoxification program. Drinking large amounts of alkalized, micro-clustered, antioxidant water provides an effective foundation for this process by balancing the PH of the body, rehydrating the cells and reducing free radical damage.
Parasites play a greater role in affecting our physical and mental health than one might assume. Parasites consume nutrients and excrete toxic waste; they can also restrict digestive and eliminative process and even influence body sensations like hunger. Parasites of all kinds must of course be eliminated from the gut and body tissue.
All this and more can be taken out with herbs, super foods, psyllium fiber, chelating agents, vegetable juice or raw food fasting and a far infra-red sauna. A body, clean to the cellular level, is the foundation of a well functioning mind.
2. Bio-chemical.
With unhealthy substance gone, the body’s cellular structures must be repaired, replaced and jump started with nutritional supplementation and proper care.
Many people have become chronically malnourished after decades of a diet that is not nutritionally sufficient. A good place to start rebuilding the body for the more serious person with the appropriate support, is a blood chemical analysis test and a 30 day raw food/supplement/fiber diet to begin repairing the body at the cellular level. Of course, proper nutrition, exercise, sunshine, stress release, and fresh air are all essential parts of this biochemical process.
Healing the body heals the mind.
By enhancing and balancing the biochemical systems of the body through proper diet and supplemental nutrition the health systems can be quickly strengthened. Omega 3 fats, vitamin D and B among other supplements can have an immediate positive mental effect for those who are deficient.
By alleviating or eliminating the effects of food allergies, nutrient deficiencies, brain inflammation, PH imbalance, chronic infection and hormonal imbalances the body and brain can be healed and mental health can be restored.
3. Electromagnetic.
When the body is clean and healthy, the effects of traumatic experience can be dislodged and dissipated by balancing electromagnetic brain-wave and heart-wave patterns.
Trauma, including difficult birth, injury and psychological shock, can permanently unbalance the electromagnetic brain and heart wave patterns associated with thought and emotion.
These unbalanced brain and heart waves can house or cause a dysfunctional mental and emotional process leading to psychological problems and antisocial coping mechanisms.
There are a few methods for optimizing one’s brain and heart waves into “whole brain thinking” and “emotional coherence.” The oldest brain balancing technique is drumming or meditation and the oldest emotional coherence technique is practiced forgiveness. Recently other methods have been developed.
For example; “Binaural entrainment” is a way of holding a brain in a generalized state of brainwave balance once a day until a more balanced pattern settles in naturally. Another very effective way to balance brainwaves isolates the brain into an EEG based self stimulation loop, allowing the brain to find its own harmony.
Portable biofeedback devices can help entrain ones heart rhythms to be stable and coherent allowing for a balanced emotional state on a consistent basis.
These and other techniques can be used to clear the neurological and bio electrical residue of trauma, freeing the patient from old and dysfunctional electromagnetic patterns of thought and emotion.
When the electromagnetic waves of brain and heart are in an optimized state, psychological pathology finds no place to reside.
4. Conceptual.
All of us find limitations in the beliefs, concepts and expectations of ourselves that are assumed and then held in our subconscious mind. To be mentally healthy the self image must be examined and reestablished to provide a more functional vehicle for one’s persona and psyche.
Advanced forms of NLP/Hypnosis can have profound results by replacing non supportive beliefs and unhealthy self concepts, with images of confident motivation, positive expectation and a healthy outlook.
5. The World.
To be mentally healthy one must interact with people and the world in mutually beneficial ways.
To create a relationship with the world the major talents of the individual must first be discovered. With the development of one’s talents a person can effectively find fulfillment.
Through the practice of goal setting these talents must then be refined and developed until they may be offered in exchange for a rewarding participation with people and the world. By this participation one finds one’s "place" and so can generate the stability needed for friendship, love, family and community.
How Does This Program Actually Work?
A pilot program is to be staffed by a team of four to eight health practitioners, a director and an assistant. The team of practitioners will include a functional medicine naturopath (levels 1 and 2), a licensed Brain State Conditioner & Heartmath practitioner (3), an NLP/hypnosis life coach (4), and qualified re-entry caseworkers (5).
Because the program requires some modicum of a stable home life including cooking, bathing and sleeping facilities we will create a clinic within or working closely with an established homeless shelter. The initial two or three month process begins when an eligible person from among the residents in a homeless shelter signs up for, or is mandated to the program.
Part 1.
The healee starts out drinking a gallon per day of alkalized, micro-clustered, antioxidant water and meets with the staff and a life coach who will be explaining, anchoring and guiding the individual through the process.
As the week begins the client ramps up to a different diet and routine. Day by day they consume a lot of antioxidant water, raw food based meals and extra psylium fiber, detoxifying and anti-parasitic herbs and multiple supplements to clean and rebuild.
With exercise, access to a daily far infra-red sauna, sunshine, socializing and plenty of good sleep the detoxification and re-nutrient [levels 1 and 2] process begins. After only the first week the healee will have very noticeable effects, pleasant and unpleasant such as a significantly more grounded sense of well being and feeling very tired from the release of toxins.
After a few weeks the person begins brain balancing sessions in the afternoon while relaxing in a chair, dissipating the affect of previous traumas and allowing the brain waves to resettle. It’s a pleasant enough experience while viewing a screen displaying the energy of the brain as it defragments and optimizes itself. Most patients will need 10 to 20, one and a half hour sessions over two or three weeks.
During a few of the sessions, while the brain is finding its own harmony by interacting with the EEG machine the skilled NLP hypnosis life coach works to emphasize the client’s personal strengths and bolster their self image.
With some hypnosis sessions in the day and guided visualization tapes in the evening, effective encouragement for releasing addictions, rebuilding self esteem, a commitment to personal excellence and a desire for accomplishment can be instilled.
During these weeks the client will also be practicing with a heart rhythm biofeedback device that reflects a state or degree of “emotional coherence.”
With the guidance of that device a person can learn to quickly regain a sense of peace by using “forgiveness” breathing techniques, eventually developing a much greater control over their emotional state. The training of this ability helps a person regain mental and emotional stability.
The ideal setting during the first few months will be within a residential community facility because it is important that the person under going rapid transformation be living in a stable situation with access to the capable and understanding response of the staff.
After two or three months the client will be mostly detoxified and many of their malnourished cells and systems will have been rebuilt with nutrients. Much of the neurological effects of past trauma have dissipated and a capable future vision has been set with brain training and life coaching.
These past months have been a comprehensive and compressed, fully therapeutic experience.
True, profound and long-term healing occurs when the structures that support pathology are eliminated. This can be done by detoxifying the body, nourishing and catalyzing healthy cellular activity, optimizing and harmonizing the heart and brain’s electromagnetic state and reestablishing a compelling self image.
Spurred with hypnosis and monetary incentives the person will soon get more comfortable with plant based food, exercise, micro water and the desire for goal accomplishing behavior. From then on, the process of maintaining a healthy body and mind can continue as permanent lifestyle changes.
Part 2.
With this new lifestyle as an ongoing base for constructive activity the individual can begin in the second or third month to identify and develop the talents and skills that they can offer to the world.
The second half of the program is focused on reentry and based on the premise that each individual is born with innate talents. These talents are what must be offered to the world in exchange for a healthy participation in community life. The inherent talents of each individual must be found and developed to the point of implementation in the real world.
This part of the program requires skilled caseworkers to implement individually tailored testing and evaluation, advocacy and interviewing abilities, and enrollment in the appropriate schooling or vocational training facilities. This reintegration process will require, of course, the ever greater involvement of the people, services and institutions of the community.
This part also requires skilled life coaches to help a person develop the leadership qualities required to create a successful life. In a program like this, the art, science and determined practice of a goal setting technique become a major part of a successful outcome.
To enhance this goal setting process small monetary incentives for each accomplishment and stage completed can also be awarded.
The full and successful completion of this program will bring a high percentage of applicants from dysfunctional mentally ill homelessness and problematic situations to a healthy and productive life within the wider community.
If a significant percentage of the most problematic citizens in this regard could be returned to some semblance of a productive status, the city would save a very large sum of money every year. The wider benefits to the community of such an outcome would be expressed in our quality of life and the value of our society.
A Few examples of relevant Links; Alkalized, micro clustered, antioxidant water. Balance PH, re hydrate, repair cells….fountain of youth. The basis of a good detox program. Tell 'em I sent you.
Http:// Colon clean/detoxify. Check their photo gallery after lunch. + “Detox or Die” book by Dr. Sherry Rodgers. “Heal your body, heal your mind.” Everything you need to bio chemically fix your broken brain. the source for sensible naturopathic health practices. Brain State Conditioning. And interesting biofeedback device for optimizing ones emotional health by training the practitioner to stay in a state of optimum emotional balance. These are high quality Binaural beat therapy CDs used for brainwave entrainment. An hour a day for six months alleviates most dysfunction. Binaural beat therapy CD. Hypnosis + NLP. 96% success with addictions. Useful implications for life coaching and obtaining better life habits and goals. Energy psychology, emotional acupuncture. This site deals with a technique called EFT, the emotional freedom technique, but there are many other variations of the methodology. The effects are not consistent enough for this program but having a skilled practitioner on hand would help. An intensive 3 day life coaching reorientation to life. This one is for the high powered but something like it could be scaled for the more serious reorienting we will need. Through powerful group Sidhi meditative techniques this organization has demonstrated the ability to affect the mental health of whole neighborhoods at a distance. Put them in the attic? Too funky for this program but the implications…
Disclaimer- Nothing about what has been stated in this article should be construed to mean that anything mentioned here is a cure or treatment for any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor for medical advice.
In major cities, the social problems surrounding chronically homeless people with mental illness have engendered many programs and well intentioned discussions. Yet the programs offered or mandated to psychologically disturbed and homeless people are rarely comprehensive enough to ensure such a person can become a healthy and productive citizen.
In the real world, for the people at the bottom to become healthy and productive they must first find effective relief for health issues like depression, addiction, brain fog or chronic fatigue, and secondly, they must learn how to reenter society by developing a fulfilling life.
No small tasks. But the simple truth is that unless these two problems are solved for each individual there can be no lasting solution for the “homeless issue” other than relocation.
Currently, if there is any mental health help for problematic homeless people it relies on pharmaceutical drugs and/or talk therapy. In actual practice this maintenance approach solves few, if any, of the client’s real problems.
With a more comprehensive approach the mental disabilities of many homeless people could be diminished or eliminated, resulting at the least in less problematic behavior.
Many of the mental health problems that make a person too unstable to care for themselves, such as unproductive beliefs, over toxicity, chronic malnutrition and trauma based psychological damage, could be treated and relieved.
Some of the unhealthy citizens that we see every day could be rejoined with a rewarding life if more effective healing and guidance could be offered, saving more than a lot of money.
But the methods to achieve real health and a fulfilling community life are seemingly misunderstood, and certainly not comprehensibly applied in the homeless community. So in a real sense little has been done and the problems and costs of the mentally ill and chronically homeless individual continue to perplex us.
The following is a framework for strengthening the foundations of mental health and guiding an individual toward a healthy and productive life. Within this framework are five components of a person’s general health and mental health in particular, from the physical to the social. Each of these levels must be cleaned, balanced, optimized and enlivened to enable a healthy person to pursue a successful life.
A given individual may not have problems with all of these aspects and yet if all are in working order there will be no “infrastructure” to support pathology. By attending to the health of these five levels, chronic disabilities can often be eliminated and a gratifying life can be more easily restored.
This program describes a process involving therapeutic techniques and practices that an individual might go through in order to revive the five levels of mental health.
Some of these therapies are traditional common sense and some have only recently been developed, virtually unknown to the general public. To understand the effectiveness of this program it is important to understand the different therapeutic approaches and how they work together. Following the links that are provided will help you to be acquainted with therapies that you might not have heard of before.
The mentally ill homeless are the focus here because they are the neediest and as such they could most dramatically show the effectiveness of this program. If chronically homeless people could find fulfilling lives then the drama of the events will attract media capital which can then be leveraged to expand the program.
To the extent that we find individual successes, the leadership and citizens of the city would see improvement in a high profile issue and millions of taxpayer dollars could be reallocated.
We believe that a significant percentage of the mentally ill will find full relief from their symptoms and a fulfilling life in the community after working with this program. When a mentally disabled person becomes healthy and reenters society in a productive life, we will all benefit.
The following is a description of our foundational principles and philosophy.
The Five Levels of Mental Health.
1. Physical.
2. Bio-chemical.
3. Electromagnetic.
4. Conceptual.
5. The World.
1. Physical.
Unhealthy people have improper physical substances lodged in the gut and throughout their bodies such as; heavy metals, toxic chemicals, parasites, excess acids, impacted feces and bacterial plumes of yeast and fungus.
The first step in healing is to remove these inappropriate physical substances.
This variety of unsuitable organic and inorganic materiel can cause distress, dysfunction and disease by depleting nutrients, generating poisons, blocking pathways and denigrating bio systems, thereby lowering the quality of our mental health.
For optimal mental health these physical impediments must be removed.
A quality program of colon cleansing is the beginning of the elimination process enabling the body burden of toxic chemicals and heavy metals to pass through.
Mercury and many other mental illness causing neuro-toxins are stored throughout the body in teeth, fat cells and organ tissue. These poisons can be removed with a good detoxification program. Drinking large amounts of alkalized, micro-clustered, antioxidant water provides an effective foundation for this process by balancing the PH of the body, rehydrating the cells and reducing free radical damage.
Parasites play a greater role in affecting our physical and mental health than one might assume. Parasites consume nutrients and excrete toxic waste; they can also restrict digestive and eliminative process and even influence body sensations like hunger. Parasites of all kinds must of course be eliminated from the gut and body tissue.
All this and more can be taken out with herbs, super foods, psyllium fiber, chelating agents, vegetable juice or raw food fasting and a far infra-red sauna. A body, clean to the cellular level, is the foundation of a well functioning mind.
2. Bio-chemical.
With unhealthy substance gone, the body’s cellular structures must be repaired, replaced and jump started with nutritional supplementation and proper care.
Many people have become chronically malnourished after decades of a diet that is not nutritionally sufficient. A good place to start rebuilding the body for the more serious person with the appropriate support, is a blood chemical analysis test and a 30 day raw food/supplement/fiber diet to begin repairing the body at the cellular level. Of course, proper nutrition, exercise, sunshine, stress release, and fresh air are all essential parts of this biochemical process.
Healing the body heals the mind.
By enhancing and balancing the biochemical systems of the body through proper diet and supplemental nutrition the health systems can be quickly strengthened. Omega 3 fats, vitamin D and B among other supplements can have an immediate positive mental effect for those who are deficient.
By alleviating or eliminating the effects of food allergies, nutrient deficiencies, brain inflammation, PH imbalance, chronic infection and hormonal imbalances the body and brain can be healed and mental health can be restored.
3. Electromagnetic.
When the body is clean and healthy, the effects of traumatic experience can be dislodged and dissipated by balancing electromagnetic brain-wave and heart-wave patterns.
Trauma, including difficult birth, injury and psychological shock, can permanently unbalance the electromagnetic brain and heart wave patterns associated with thought and emotion.
These unbalanced brain and heart waves can house or cause a dysfunctional mental and emotional process leading to psychological problems and antisocial coping mechanisms.
There are a few methods for optimizing one’s brain and heart waves into “whole brain thinking” and “emotional coherence.” The oldest brain balancing technique is drumming or meditation and the oldest emotional coherence technique is practiced forgiveness. Recently other methods have been developed.
For example; “Binaural entrainment” is a way of holding a brain in a generalized state of brainwave balance once a day until a more balanced pattern settles in naturally. Another very effective way to balance brainwaves isolates the brain into an EEG based self stimulation loop, allowing the brain to find its own harmony.
Portable biofeedback devices can help entrain ones heart rhythms to be stable and coherent allowing for a balanced emotional state on a consistent basis.
These and other techniques can be used to clear the neurological and bio electrical residue of trauma, freeing the patient from old and dysfunctional electromagnetic patterns of thought and emotion.
When the electromagnetic waves of brain and heart are in an optimized state, psychological pathology finds no place to reside.
4. Conceptual.
All of us find limitations in the beliefs, concepts and expectations of ourselves that are assumed and then held in our subconscious mind. To be mentally healthy the self image must be examined and reestablished to provide a more functional vehicle for one’s persona and psyche.
Advanced forms of NLP/Hypnosis can have profound results by replacing non supportive beliefs and unhealthy self concepts, with images of confident motivation, positive expectation and a healthy outlook.
5. The World.
To be mentally healthy one must interact with people and the world in mutually beneficial ways.
To create a relationship with the world the major talents of the individual must first be discovered. With the development of one’s talents a person can effectively find fulfillment.
Through the practice of goal setting these talents must then be refined and developed until they may be offered in exchange for a rewarding participation with people and the world. By this participation one finds one’s "place" and so can generate the stability needed for friendship, love, family and community.
How Does This Program Actually Work?
A pilot program is to be staffed by a team of four to eight health practitioners, a director and an assistant. The team of practitioners will include a functional medicine naturopath (levels 1 and 2), a licensed Brain State Conditioner & Heartmath practitioner (3), an NLP/hypnosis life coach (4), and qualified re-entry caseworkers (5).
Because the program requires some modicum of a stable home life including cooking, bathing and sleeping facilities we will create a clinic within or working closely with an established homeless shelter. The initial two or three month process begins when an eligible person from among the residents in a homeless shelter signs up for, or is mandated to the program.
Part 1.
The healee starts out drinking a gallon per day of alkalized, micro-clustered, antioxidant water and meets with the staff and a life coach who will be explaining, anchoring and guiding the individual through the process.
As the week begins the client ramps up to a different diet and routine. Day by day they consume a lot of antioxidant water, raw food based meals and extra psylium fiber, detoxifying and anti-parasitic herbs and multiple supplements to clean and rebuild.
With exercise, access to a daily far infra-red sauna, sunshine, socializing and plenty of good sleep the detoxification and re-nutrient [levels 1 and 2] process begins. After only the first week the healee will have very noticeable effects, pleasant and unpleasant such as a significantly more grounded sense of well being and feeling very tired from the release of toxins.
After a few weeks the person begins brain balancing sessions in the afternoon while relaxing in a chair, dissipating the affect of previous traumas and allowing the brain waves to resettle. It’s a pleasant enough experience while viewing a screen displaying the energy of the brain as it defragments and optimizes itself. Most patients will need 10 to 20, one and a half hour sessions over two or three weeks.
During a few of the sessions, while the brain is finding its own harmony by interacting with the EEG machine the skilled NLP hypnosis life coach works to emphasize the client’s personal strengths and bolster their self image.
With some hypnosis sessions in the day and guided visualization tapes in the evening, effective encouragement for releasing addictions, rebuilding self esteem, a commitment to personal excellence and a desire for accomplishment can be instilled.
During these weeks the client will also be practicing with a heart rhythm biofeedback device that reflects a state or degree of “emotional coherence.”
With the guidance of that device a person can learn to quickly regain a sense of peace by using “forgiveness” breathing techniques, eventually developing a much greater control over their emotional state. The training of this ability helps a person regain mental and emotional stability.
The ideal setting during the first few months will be within a residential community facility because it is important that the person under going rapid transformation be living in a stable situation with access to the capable and understanding response of the staff.
After two or three months the client will be mostly detoxified and many of their malnourished cells and systems will have been rebuilt with nutrients. Much of the neurological effects of past trauma have dissipated and a capable future vision has been set with brain training and life coaching.
These past months have been a comprehensive and compressed, fully therapeutic experience.
True, profound and long-term healing occurs when the structures that support pathology are eliminated. This can be done by detoxifying the body, nourishing and catalyzing healthy cellular activity, optimizing and harmonizing the heart and brain’s electromagnetic state and reestablishing a compelling self image.
Spurred with hypnosis and monetary incentives the person will soon get more comfortable with plant based food, exercise, micro water and the desire for goal accomplishing behavior. From then on, the process of maintaining a healthy body and mind can continue as permanent lifestyle changes.
Part 2.
With this new lifestyle as an ongoing base for constructive activity the individual can begin in the second or third month to identify and develop the talents and skills that they can offer to the world.
The second half of the program is focused on reentry and based on the premise that each individual is born with innate talents. These talents are what must be offered to the world in exchange for a healthy participation in community life. The inherent talents of each individual must be found and developed to the point of implementation in the real world.
This part of the program requires skilled caseworkers to implement individually tailored testing and evaluation, advocacy and interviewing abilities, and enrollment in the appropriate schooling or vocational training facilities. This reintegration process will require, of course, the ever greater involvement of the people, services and institutions of the community.
This part also requires skilled life coaches to help a person develop the leadership qualities required to create a successful life. In a program like this, the art, science and determined practice of a goal setting technique become a major part of a successful outcome.
To enhance this goal setting process small monetary incentives for each accomplishment and stage completed can also be awarded.
The full and successful completion of this program will bring a high percentage of applicants from dysfunctional mentally ill homelessness and problematic situations to a healthy and productive life within the wider community.
If a significant percentage of the most problematic citizens in this regard could be returned to some semblance of a productive status, the city would save a very large sum of money every year. The wider benefits to the community of such an outcome would be expressed in our quality of life and the value of our society.
A Few examples of relevant Links; Alkalized, micro clustered, antioxidant water. Balance PH, re hydrate, repair cells….fountain of youth. The basis of a good detox program. Tell 'em I sent you.
Http:// Colon clean/detoxify. Check their photo gallery after lunch. + “Detox or Die” book by Dr. Sherry Rodgers. “Heal your body, heal your mind.” Everything you need to bio chemically fix your broken brain. the source for sensible naturopathic health practices. Brain State Conditioning. And interesting biofeedback device for optimizing ones emotional health by training the practitioner to stay in a state of optimum emotional balance. These are high quality Binaural beat therapy CDs used for brainwave entrainment. An hour a day for six months alleviates most dysfunction. Binaural beat therapy CD. Hypnosis + NLP. 96% success with addictions. Useful implications for life coaching and obtaining better life habits and goals. Energy psychology, emotional acupuncture. This site deals with a technique called EFT, the emotional freedom technique, but there are many other variations of the methodology. The effects are not consistent enough for this program but having a skilled practitioner on hand would help. An intensive 3 day life coaching reorientation to life. This one is for the high powered but something like it could be scaled for the more serious reorienting we will need. Through powerful group Sidhi meditative techniques this organization has demonstrated the ability to affect the mental health of whole neighborhoods at a distance. Put them in the attic? Too funky for this program but the implications…
Disclaimer- Nothing about what has been stated in this article should be construed to mean that anything mentioned here is a cure or treatment for any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor for medical advice.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The 8 Levels of Mental Health.
The Eight Levels of Mental Health.
Bryan McMahon
1. Physical.
2. Bio-chemical.
3. Electromagnetic.
4. Mental.
5. The World.
6. Bio-Energetic.
7. Trans-personal.
8. Love - De-centralized Consciousness.
1. Physical.
Unhealthy people have improper physical substances lodged in the gut and throughout their bodies such as; heavy metals, toxic chemicals, parasites, excess acids, impacted feces and bacterial plumes of yeast and fungus.
The first step in healing is to remove these inappropriate substances.
This variety of unsuitable organic and inorganic materiel can cause distress, dysfunction and disease by depleting nutrients, generating poisons, blocking pathways and denigrating bio systems, thereby lowering the quality of ones mental health.
For optimal mental health these physical impediments must be eliminated.
Clearing the colon and digestive tract gently and thoroughly must be the beginning of the elimination process enabling other toxic chemicals and heavy metals to pass through and out.
Leached dental mercury and many other mental illness causing neuro-toxins are stored throughout the body in fat cells and organ tissue. These poisons can be removed with a good detoxification program.
Drinking large amounts of alkalized, micro-clustered, antioxidant water is a staple of this program and will balance the PH of the body, rehydrate the cells and reduce free radical damage. Because the molecules of ionized water are micro-clustered, or “wetter”, they can more quickly carry toxins out of the cells and more easily bring nutrients and antioxidants in.
All improper substances can be taken out with herbs, super foods, psyllium fiber, chelating agents, raw food, juice fasting and a far infra-red sauna. A body, clean to the cellular level, is the foundation of a well functioning mind.
2. Bio-chemical.
With unhealthy substance gone, the body’s cellular structures must be repaired, replaced and jump started with nutritional supplementation and proper care.
Many people have become chronically malnourished after decades of a diet that is not nutritionally sufficient. A blood chemical analysis test for targeted nutritional supplementation and a guided 30 day raw food diet can repair the body at the cellular level. Exercise, sunshine, stress release, and fresh air are also part of this biochemical process.
Healing the body heals the mind.
By enhancing and balancing the biochemical systems of the body through exercise, proper diet and supplemental nutrition the health systems can be quickly strengthened.
Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D and B among other supplements can have an immediate positive mental effect.
By alleviating or eliminating the effects of food allergies, nutrient deficiencies, brain inflammation, PH imbalance, chronic infection and hormonal imbalances the body and brain can be healed and mental health can be restored.
3. Electromagnetic.
When the body is clean and healthy, the effects of traumatic experience must be dislodged and dissipated by balancing and optimizing electromagnetic brain-wave and heart-wave patterns. Besides evolutionary development itself, the residual effects of trauma are the prime impediment to the flowering of a healthy consciousness.
With trauma representing cognitive damage, and a healthy consciousness representing the proper functioning of mind, we find the primary problem and need. With the elimination of the residual effects of trauma the way is made clear for the individual to recognize and reestablish health in all other aspects. For the unhealthy individual, unable to see an effective path forward to full health, this level becomes a pragmatic starting point.
Trauma, including difficult birth, physical injury and psychological shock, is registered in the nonphysical or electromagnetic functions and structures of mind. In this way trauma can permanently unbalance brain and heart wave patterns associated with our thoughts and emotions. These unbalanced electromagnetic waves of brain and heart can house or cause a dysfunctional mental and emotional process, leading to psychological problems and antisocial coping mechanisms.
There are a few methods for optimizing one’s brain and heart waves into “whole brain thinking” and “emotional coherence.” The oldest brain balancing techniques include meditation, drumming and dance and the oldest emotional coherence technique is practiced forgiveness. Recently, other methods have been developed that are more universally, rapidly and effectively practicable.
Binaural entrainment is a technical way of inducing a generalized brainwave homeostasis, for an hour a day, for several months, until a more balanced pattern settles in naturally. An approach called Brain State Conditioning, which isolates the brain into an EEG based self stimulation loop allows the brain to fully optimize itself. It is noninvasive, quicker and much more comprehensive than almost any other therapeutic technique. A portable biofeedback device called Heartmath can stabilize a person’s heart rhythms to be coherent, allowing for a balanced emotional state on a consistent basis.
These and other technologies can have profound results by clearing the neurological and bio electrical residue of all trauma, freeing the patient from old and dysfunctional electromagnetic patterns of thought and emotion.
When the electromagnetic wave patterns of brain and heart are in an optimized state, psychological pathology finds no place to reside.
4. Conceptual.
All of us find limitation in the beliefs, concepts and expectations of ourselves that are assumed and then held in our subconscious mind. To be mentally healthy, the self image must be examined and reestablished to provide a more functional vehicle for one’s persona and psyche.
Enjoying the guidance of an NLP, hypnosis or shamanic life coach can replace non supportive beliefs and unhealthy self concepts with images of confident motivation, positive expectation and a healthy outlook.
5. The World.
To be mentally healthy one must interact with people and the world in mutually beneficial ways. To create a relationship with the world the major talents of the individual must first be discovered and enhanced. An individual may find social fulfillment via the development and expression of their innate talents in the world.
Through the practice of goal setting techniques these talents must be refined and developed until they can be exchanged for a rewarding participation with the outside world. Of course, a paycheck is a powerful form of therapy in itself. By this participation with people and the world one finds one’s place and so can generate the stability needed for friendship, love, family and community.
6. Bio-Energetic.
The underlying bio-energetic pathways or life energy meridians animating and identifying all living systems have long been recognized. The practice of acupuncture is the most well known of methods to manipulate this system of energy meridians, but of course there are countless variations.
The Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is a popular example of the new field of energy psychology and is used for clearing the energetic residue of emotional trauma. By tapping on or stimulating relevant meridian points while focusing on a particular emotional distress, mental and even physical ailments can often be quickly relieved. These tapping techniques, which take only a few minutes to work, can be easily learned and used as needed in real time situations.
There are many ancient practices involving the manipulation and balancing of the life energy pattern including Chi Gong from China, Reiki from Japan, Pranayama from India or EFT and Bioenergetics from America. These practices all utilize breathing and visualization for added strength and control. The upper therapeutic limits and practices of these techniques are not publicly known.
The balancing, harmonization and unobstructed flow of the life energy pathways can smooth the clearing of physical and psychological damage, sometimes catalyzing profound and immediate results.
7. Trans-personal.
We are all intuitive and therefore connected to others in non physical relationship. With intuition it is possible to carry the influence of trans-personal attachments in very subtle levels of the subconscious. A dis-empowering attachment to others, especially those who are strongly related to us, can be a psychological burden to be intuited and carried psychically.
This residue of non personal trauma and unconscious relationship is a still more refined level that might need to be cleared in some cases, with the use of Shamanic or past life therapeutic techniques. In this way one can become dis-entangled from unhealthy psychic attachment to our ancestors, the spirit world, humans and the animal world.
8. Love - Decentralized Consciousness.
A centralized source of identity manifests as ego or overt individualism. When two or more consciousnesses merge to some extent, or decentralize, they experience “love.” All forms of consciousness, indeed all manifestation, find a true source in an omnipresent, eternal and unified field of consciousness, the ultimate ground of being; Pure Love. It is by relinquishing ones individual ego consciousness and re-identifying with the energy flow of the unified field that one eliminates all conflict and finally obtains True Peace.
A Few examples of relevant Links; Alkalized, micro clustered, antioxidant water. Balance PH, re hydrate, repair cells….fountain of youth. The basis of a good detox program.
Http:// Colon clean/detoxify. Check their photo gallery after lunch. + “Detox or Die” book by Dr. Sherry Rodgers …etc. “Heal the body, Heal the mind.” Everything you need to bio chemically fix your broken brain. the source for sensible naturopathic health practices. These are high quality Binaural beat therapy CDs used for brainwave entrainment. An hour a day for six months alleviates most dysfunction. Binaural beat therapy CD. Brain State Conditioning. Local BSC office in Pacifica where I got mine with my friends Thea and Greg. A wide variety of affordable hypnosis tapes and transformative practices show the possibilities for retooling the subconscious, mind and body. Check into spring forest Chi Qigong with master Chunyi Lin. And interesting biofeedback device for optimizing ones emotional health by training the practitioner to stay in a state of optimum emotional balance. Hypnosis + NLP. 96% success with addictions. Useful implications for life coaching and obtaining better life habits and goals. Energy psychology, emotional acupuncture. This site deals with a technique called EFT, the emotional freedom technique, but there are many other variations of the methodology. Through powerful group Sidhi meditative techniques this organization has conclusively, scientifically demonstrated the ability to affect the mental health of whole neighborhoods at a distance. Put them in the attic? Maybe too funky for this program but the implications… wow.
Disclaimer- Nothing about what has been stated in this article should be construed to mean that anything mentioned here is a cure or treatment for any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor for medical advice.
Bryan McMahon
1. Physical.
2. Bio-chemical.
3. Electromagnetic.
4. Mental.
5. The World.
6. Bio-Energetic.
7. Trans-personal.
8. Love - De-centralized Consciousness.
1. Physical.
Unhealthy people have improper physical substances lodged in the gut and throughout their bodies such as; heavy metals, toxic chemicals, parasites, excess acids, impacted feces and bacterial plumes of yeast and fungus.
The first step in healing is to remove these inappropriate substances.
This variety of unsuitable organic and inorganic materiel can cause distress, dysfunction and disease by depleting nutrients, generating poisons, blocking pathways and denigrating bio systems, thereby lowering the quality of ones mental health.
For optimal mental health these physical impediments must be eliminated.
Clearing the colon and digestive tract gently and thoroughly must be the beginning of the elimination process enabling other toxic chemicals and heavy metals to pass through and out.
Leached dental mercury and many other mental illness causing neuro-toxins are stored throughout the body in fat cells and organ tissue. These poisons can be removed with a good detoxification program.
Drinking large amounts of alkalized, micro-clustered, antioxidant water is a staple of this program and will balance the PH of the body, rehydrate the cells and reduce free radical damage. Because the molecules of ionized water are micro-clustered, or “wetter”, they can more quickly carry toxins out of the cells and more easily bring nutrients and antioxidants in.
All improper substances can be taken out with herbs, super foods, psyllium fiber, chelating agents, raw food, juice fasting and a far infra-red sauna. A body, clean to the cellular level, is the foundation of a well functioning mind.
2. Bio-chemical.
With unhealthy substance gone, the body’s cellular structures must be repaired, replaced and jump started with nutritional supplementation and proper care.
Many people have become chronically malnourished after decades of a diet that is not nutritionally sufficient. A blood chemical analysis test for targeted nutritional supplementation and a guided 30 day raw food diet can repair the body at the cellular level. Exercise, sunshine, stress release, and fresh air are also part of this biochemical process.
Healing the body heals the mind.
By enhancing and balancing the biochemical systems of the body through exercise, proper diet and supplemental nutrition the health systems can be quickly strengthened.
Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D and B among other supplements can have an immediate positive mental effect.
By alleviating or eliminating the effects of food allergies, nutrient deficiencies, brain inflammation, PH imbalance, chronic infection and hormonal imbalances the body and brain can be healed and mental health can be restored.
3. Electromagnetic.
When the body is clean and healthy, the effects of traumatic experience must be dislodged and dissipated by balancing and optimizing electromagnetic brain-wave and heart-wave patterns. Besides evolutionary development itself, the residual effects of trauma are the prime impediment to the flowering of a healthy consciousness.
With trauma representing cognitive damage, and a healthy consciousness representing the proper functioning of mind, we find the primary problem and need. With the elimination of the residual effects of trauma the way is made clear for the individual to recognize and reestablish health in all other aspects. For the unhealthy individual, unable to see an effective path forward to full health, this level becomes a pragmatic starting point.
Trauma, including difficult birth, physical injury and psychological shock, is registered in the nonphysical or electromagnetic functions and structures of mind. In this way trauma can permanently unbalance brain and heart wave patterns associated with our thoughts and emotions. These unbalanced electromagnetic waves of brain and heart can house or cause a dysfunctional mental and emotional process, leading to psychological problems and antisocial coping mechanisms.
There are a few methods for optimizing one’s brain and heart waves into “whole brain thinking” and “emotional coherence.” The oldest brain balancing techniques include meditation, drumming and dance and the oldest emotional coherence technique is practiced forgiveness. Recently, other methods have been developed that are more universally, rapidly and effectively practicable.
Binaural entrainment is a technical way of inducing a generalized brainwave homeostasis, for an hour a day, for several months, until a more balanced pattern settles in naturally. An approach called Brain State Conditioning, which isolates the brain into an EEG based self stimulation loop allows the brain to fully optimize itself. It is noninvasive, quicker and much more comprehensive than almost any other therapeutic technique. A portable biofeedback device called Heartmath can stabilize a person’s heart rhythms to be coherent, allowing for a balanced emotional state on a consistent basis.
These and other technologies can have profound results by clearing the neurological and bio electrical residue of all trauma, freeing the patient from old and dysfunctional electromagnetic patterns of thought and emotion.
When the electromagnetic wave patterns of brain and heart are in an optimized state, psychological pathology finds no place to reside.
4. Conceptual.
All of us find limitation in the beliefs, concepts and expectations of ourselves that are assumed and then held in our subconscious mind. To be mentally healthy, the self image must be examined and reestablished to provide a more functional vehicle for one’s persona and psyche.
Enjoying the guidance of an NLP, hypnosis or shamanic life coach can replace non supportive beliefs and unhealthy self concepts with images of confident motivation, positive expectation and a healthy outlook.
5. The World.
To be mentally healthy one must interact with people and the world in mutually beneficial ways. To create a relationship with the world the major talents of the individual must first be discovered and enhanced. An individual may find social fulfillment via the development and expression of their innate talents in the world.
Through the practice of goal setting techniques these talents must be refined and developed until they can be exchanged for a rewarding participation with the outside world. Of course, a paycheck is a powerful form of therapy in itself. By this participation with people and the world one finds one’s place and so can generate the stability needed for friendship, love, family and community.
6. Bio-Energetic.
The underlying bio-energetic pathways or life energy meridians animating and identifying all living systems have long been recognized. The practice of acupuncture is the most well known of methods to manipulate this system of energy meridians, but of course there are countless variations.
The Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is a popular example of the new field of energy psychology and is used for clearing the energetic residue of emotional trauma. By tapping on or stimulating relevant meridian points while focusing on a particular emotional distress, mental and even physical ailments can often be quickly relieved. These tapping techniques, which take only a few minutes to work, can be easily learned and used as needed in real time situations.
There are many ancient practices involving the manipulation and balancing of the life energy pattern including Chi Gong from China, Reiki from Japan, Pranayama from India or EFT and Bioenergetics from America. These practices all utilize breathing and visualization for added strength and control. The upper therapeutic limits and practices of these techniques are not publicly known.
The balancing, harmonization and unobstructed flow of the life energy pathways can smooth the clearing of physical and psychological damage, sometimes catalyzing profound and immediate results.
7. Trans-personal.
We are all intuitive and therefore connected to others in non physical relationship. With intuition it is possible to carry the influence of trans-personal attachments in very subtle levels of the subconscious. A dis-empowering attachment to others, especially those who are strongly related to us, can be a psychological burden to be intuited and carried psychically.
This residue of non personal trauma and unconscious relationship is a still more refined level that might need to be cleared in some cases, with the use of Shamanic or past life therapeutic techniques. In this way one can become dis-entangled from unhealthy psychic attachment to our ancestors, the spirit world, humans and the animal world.
8. Love - Decentralized Consciousness.
A centralized source of identity manifests as ego or overt individualism. When two or more consciousnesses merge to some extent, or decentralize, they experience “love.” All forms of consciousness, indeed all manifestation, find a true source in an omnipresent, eternal and unified field of consciousness, the ultimate ground of being; Pure Love. It is by relinquishing ones individual ego consciousness and re-identifying with the energy flow of the unified field that one eliminates all conflict and finally obtains True Peace.
A Few examples of relevant Links; Alkalized, micro clustered, antioxidant water. Balance PH, re hydrate, repair cells….fountain of youth. The basis of a good detox program.
Http:// Colon clean/detoxify. Check their photo gallery after lunch. + “Detox or Die” book by Dr. Sherry Rodgers …etc. “Heal the body, Heal the mind.” Everything you need to bio chemically fix your broken brain. the source for sensible naturopathic health practices. These are high quality Binaural beat therapy CDs used for brainwave entrainment. An hour a day for six months alleviates most dysfunction. Binaural beat therapy CD. Brain State Conditioning. Local BSC office in Pacifica where I got mine with my friends Thea and Greg. A wide variety of affordable hypnosis tapes and transformative practices show the possibilities for retooling the subconscious, mind and body. Check into spring forest Chi Qigong with master Chunyi Lin. And interesting biofeedback device for optimizing ones emotional health by training the practitioner to stay in a state of optimum emotional balance. Hypnosis + NLP. 96% success with addictions. Useful implications for life coaching and obtaining better life habits and goals. Energy psychology, emotional acupuncture. This site deals with a technique called EFT, the emotional freedom technique, but there are many other variations of the methodology. Through powerful group Sidhi meditative techniques this organization has conclusively, scientifically demonstrated the ability to affect the mental health of whole neighborhoods at a distance. Put them in the attic? Maybe too funky for this program but the implications… wow.
Disclaimer- Nothing about what has been stated in this article should be construed to mean that anything mentioned here is a cure or treatment for any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor for medical advice.
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