Tuesday, April 13, 2010



In a Direct Democracy, after the age of information, we will vote “with our feet” for plans and projects, not men and parties.

I offer this project/idea as a beginning for the discussion; “Can we create a democratic governing system free from undue influence?”

"I have great confidence in the common sense of mankind in general."
"We are a people capable of self-government, and worthy of it."
-Thomas Jefferson

The Discussion of Civic Policy.

The age we have entered will require more inclusive systems for deciding civic policy. There are just too many variables & conflicting interests behind every civic decision, too much information for one man or even a small group, and the deluge has barely begun.

Popular methods for finding solutions to vexing civic problems are not keeping pace with societal change and innovation. The complexity and power of modern society compel us to more effectively discuss, find and implement better solutions for the improvement of our communities.

In too many ways, our methods for publicly deliberating rational social and civic policy are failing, and that affects the common good. Private interests have too much influence over the public deliberation of the issues and this weakens the healthy guidance of society. Too much power is funneled through too few hands, limiting possibilities and making the corruption of policy debate almost unavoidable.

If we are to achieve better results for our civic efforts we need to expand the process of democracy and public deliberation. Modern society needs more inclusive, pragmatic, organic and transparent avenues to solutions that can be more beneficial to a wider array of people.

The Internet offers a new set of boundaries, affiliations and opportunities for original civic institutions. With this new capacity for organization across boundaries, it is no longer necessary, nor practical, to allow individuals to gain closed door control of public resources.

It is time for plans and projects rather than men and parties to compete in the Democratic arena. The advent of mass information technology allows a popular discussion on the merits of each possible solution for each specific problem. By these new abilities for mass communication we can find educated consensus amongst the people and bypass the limitations of political/financial intermediaries.

Community stability in the 21st century will require rational, pragmatic means for citizens to have more control over the forces that affect our daily lives.


In some ways, the media has failed our Democracy. Infotainment broadcasts like 60 Minutes, 20/20, Oprah, The 6/11:00 News, Talk Radio etc. consistently attract the largest audience. People want to know what is happening in town and around the world.

Unfortunately, those kinds of programs all shock us with the dangerous situations and practices in our midst and then abandon us to our fears. They get us ready for action and leave us at the door. They introduce the characters, set the stage, and end the show.

People are left feeling powerless.

If the traditional media institutions and their news or reality shows were a springboard for pragmatic thought and action on specific local problems citizens could be empowered.

We propose a public service combining broadcast journalism, citizen activity and informed discussion about civic policy. This collaboration is about an educated public discussion on civic problems, and the solutions and actions that result.

Real Democracy works when citizens get involved in educated and responsible civic activity. This can be done by connecting quality information to specific, constructive, local projects and then encouraging citizens to participate.

This dynamically interactive web service creates a new avenue for popular political expression. The aim is to encourage individuals to actively participate in the shaping of their own communities.

“Democracy" - The Rule of the People.

The following is a plan for organizing and implementing pragmatic, community action. Our format is highly scalable, based online, connected to existing media and divided into 6 varying levels of potential civic activity.

It begins with what could be called "Reference links" (a referral to an URL) inserted into the issues and stories of already existing media outlets, such as print, radio, TV and web productions. A link will direct the audience to a more personal involvement with the issue at hand.

It is through these "links" that one is invited to become active in any issue through a cyber syndicated information and action service called; "Solutions.”

The purpose of these links is to draw people into learning about and acting upon only those issues that interest them. There are too many issues each requiring too much background for any politician or voter to make all the informed decisions that are required for a livable society.

“Solutions” is a dynamic and organic community process. An individual can choose any degree of participation, at any level, from doing nothing to championing a project. A citizen works only with the issues they have an affinity with. In this way almost all issues will be covered in proportion to the passions generated by the problem, be it a war in Iraq or a chuck hole in the street.

The People make their strongest statement by “voting with their feet.” If citizens are given the ways and means to enhance the health of their community, they certainly will.

With this public service, we intend to facilitate and encourage citizens to take active responsibility for their own communities, literally manifesting “the rule of the people.”

The Structure of the Presentation.

Level # 1, INFOTAINMENT. This project requires a partnership with news outlets who will agree to embed links in each local news report or program for the citizen to follow online. These simple links at the bottom of an article or TV segment are how a citizen can find a more in depth and active understanding of a particular topic.

Level # 2, CONTEXT. A reference link tagged on to a news story will lead to one of many general topic sites in our Solutions presentation. At that topic site they find a wiki type assemblage of the facts and history behind the general topic to be discussed, be it Middle Eastern war or local crime.

For instance, if there is a story in the broadcast or print news about a teacher strike, the link would lead to a site on the general topic of US education, its forms, history, alternatives, and problems.

Different reports about different problems in education, from many outlets such as KFJC, The Advertiser, The Chronicle, can funnel all relevant stories to the same education topic site.

On the education topic site, besides the general context info, there is a current list of the specific problems in education, such as the local strike itself. This list is a hyperlink door to the next level; active debate about potential Solutions on that particular problem.

Level #3 DELIBERATION. In this section we find a multitude of "Chat Rooms", one for each specific problem/news event, where relevant & qualified individuals discuss their plans for a solution, including the politician’s "official plan" for the specific problem.

These ongoing, but non real time debates are an evolving presentation, like a semi permanent talk show about a particular situation, until the situation finds conclusion in real life. Viewers can jump in and absorb the whole conversation to begin with and then only come back when something new has been added to follow the thread.

Deft, celebrity moderation will demand that the discussion find an effective solution to a specific problem, including the refinement of those solutions.

To qualify, the “expert” participants of level 3 must have academic, social, political or real world experience, or be directly involved in a way that gives the applicant an above average understanding of the situation. Through an open selection process, we will attempt to be as fair and inclusive as possible. Because the presentation is non real time, many voices [avatars?] can be heard and the discussion will be cumulative.

The insistent goal of this debate will be for the participants to suggest a variety of specific and pragmatic solutions to specific problems. It is also very important that this entire process be entertaining, celebrity moderated, encouraging as many citizens as possible to fully participate.

When a citizen feels they agree with a specific course of action, they can then be invited to take educated, responsible action towards the solution of their choice.

Level # 4, RECOMENDATIONS. This level is designed to cajole people out of their easy chair and invite them to participate in a Living Democracy. What can an individual citizen actually do to implement the particular solution that they are inspired by? Based on the solutions presented in level 3, a variety of personal actions will be suggested to further that particular solution.

A few examples of problem-specific suggestions might be; accepting talking points and promising to talk to three people at work about the issue, downloading the debate and sending it to your representative; sending money or resources to an organization or location; volunteering your time to a local project, starting a local project, running for political office on that platform, etc. etc. and on and on.

Level # 5, FORUM. Within each topic area there is a “non expert” chat room where anyone that's interested can join discussion groups about the problems and solutions at hand. All of us non-experts can offer new solutions and perspectives from the outside. These general discussions will be continually referencing, sighting and quoting the other levels, activating them and allowing the percolation of new ideas to be seriously assessed by the more knowledgeable.

Level #6, ANALYSIS & FEEDBACK. This site will be tracking the Results of ongoing projects in the real world. With many different standards, surveys, statistical methods, eyewitness reports, recordings, energy efficiency studies, citizen consensus, soil analysis etc., we can report on any ongoing project to solve a problem and the progress or improvement it has had in the community as defined by its members.

This last part about tracking and celebrating what is actually being done is very important and needs to be robust. This level is more like a regular news show only from the other side, the constructive actions in regards to particular problems. Level 6 plays an essential and central role in this project as levels 3, 4 & 5 will be using the results of ongoing real life projects reported in level 6 to underpin any statements, plans and proposals.


End Statements

"Solutions" provides a system and format for rational discussion and pragmatic action on issues of civic importance.

"Solutions" is aimed at the dispersal of information and political power by initiating community education, organization and action.

"Solutions" is a comprehensive and pragmatic extension of public education in pursuit of a rational society.

"Solutions" is intended to enhance the beginnings of an education based, direct democracy, in the age of information.

It is hoped that the civic momentum created by this service will compel politicians to design their campaign platforms around practical, educated and popular solutions and so more truly become “Servants of the People.”


"If ever the earth has beheld a system of administration conducted with a single and steadfast eye to the general interest and happiness of those committed to it, one which, protected by truth, can never know reproach, it is that to which our lives have been devoted." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1826.

Bryan McMahon © Created: 5/28/96, updated 4/12/2010

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